
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lean on me


This week I decided to talk to you guys about a incredible movie called 50/50 this movie it's a comedy and drama all put in one it shows the struggle and the pain of a young man with cancer. His name was Will Reiser he was a good friend of Seth Rogen he had spinal cancer. Acording to the spinal cancer develops from cells within the spinal cord or from it's surrounding structures ( the bones,tissues,fluid or nerves of the spine. But the first time he went to the doctor they thought it was lymphoma which acording to it is a cancer of the lymph system ( or lymphatic system), which is part of our immunity. It is characterized by the formation of solid tumors in the immune system this cancer affect immune cells called lymphocytes which are white blood cells. I thought this movie was, funny, heartwarming and relatable. Funny because of the remarks made and all the facial expression during the scenes. Heartwarming because of the tale, one of the most heartwarming part in my opinion is when her goes for his surgery and he's waiting to be taken to the operating room and he tells his dad he loves him and his dad says "ok" because he couldn't remember him due to Alzheimer's, I thought that part was really sad. It's relatable because thousands of people around the world have cancer and go threw struggles just like he did. Even if this movie is about someone going threw they're battles against cancer they were still able  to add humor in there which I thought was a great idea. Watching this movie I couldn't imagine all the stress he was going through and all the stress his loved ones were going threw seeing someone you love go threw pain like that is extremely difficult to watch and it scary to know that they can be taken away from you. Accoording to 
  • 97,700 Canadian men will be diagnosed with cancer and 40,000 men will die from cancer.
  • 93,600 Canadian women will be diagnosed with cancer and 36,600 women will die from cancer.
  • On average, 524 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • On average, 210 Canadians will die from cancer every day.





    1. This movie sounds very interesting. You mentioned that they added humor in the movie which is good because humor can sometimes be an escape from pain and tragedy. Couple weeks ago a member of my church just died of cancer. It's very sad to see how this sickness kills people that you normally know and see.

    2. I watched this movie and I have to say I was laughing yet crying at the same time. This rarely happend to me during a movie. I liked how they tried to keep the movie happy but yet still show the struugle and pain caused by cancer. I like the stats and descriptions you gave. They help understand this situation more. Great blog. :)
