
Monday, December 29, 2014

My sister's keeper

This week I decided to write about a very emotional story called My sister's keeper, it's about a young girl with cancer and her parents decide to have another child so that they can save they're daughter with cancer. By using in-vitro fertilization (IVF) which according to MNT "In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common and most effective type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to help women become pregnant.The procedure involves fertilizing an egg outside the body, in a laboratory dish, and then implanting it in a woman's uterus." (If anyone is interested on learning more about this subject I put a link at the bottom of the page and if you would just like to know the general idea I also put a video for you.) By using that method they were able to create a child that genetically matched they're other child so that she could donate organs to her sister so that she could live. In the film the oldest daughter Kate was sick and her younger sister Anna was her organ donor but in real life it was still the oldest child Molly Nash with cancer but instead it was her younger brother Adam Nash who was her organ donor. "We were doing the right thing for our family," Lisa Nash said. According to StarTribune/ LifeStyle "When their story first became public, reaction from around the globe ranged from astonishment to horror and helped fuel the backlash against embryonic research. Molly's doctor at the U, Dr. John Wagner, was accused of playing God". I think in one way it's ok and in another way I don't. It's good because you save the life of the child you love but in another way it's wrong because the kid that is born to save the other one doesn't have input in this situation and what if there life is in danger and they end up getting hurt or end up dying trying to save the other one." Molly is in most ways a typical 14-year-old who loves text messaging her friends and performing in the theater. "Molly lets me do the worrying. She knows what happened with her was a miracle, but she's now focused on being a teenager," her mom said." This was said by PR NEWWIRES.




Nash family


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lean on me


This week I decided to talk to you guys about a incredible movie called 50/50 this movie it's a comedy and drama all put in one it shows the struggle and the pain of a young man with cancer. His name was Will Reiser he was a good friend of Seth Rogen he had spinal cancer. Acording to the spinal cancer develops from cells within the spinal cord or from it's surrounding structures ( the bones,tissues,fluid or nerves of the spine. But the first time he went to the doctor they thought it was lymphoma which acording to it is a cancer of the lymph system ( or lymphatic system), which is part of our immunity. It is characterized by the formation of solid tumors in the immune system this cancer affect immune cells called lymphocytes which are white blood cells. I thought this movie was, funny, heartwarming and relatable. Funny because of the remarks made and all the facial expression during the scenes. Heartwarming because of the tale, one of the most heartwarming part in my opinion is when her goes for his surgery and he's waiting to be taken to the operating room and he tells his dad he loves him and his dad says "ok" because he couldn't remember him due to Alzheimer's, I thought that part was really sad. It's relatable because thousands of people around the world have cancer and go threw struggles just like he did. Even if this movie is about someone going threw they're battles against cancer they were still able  to add humor in there which I thought was a great idea. Watching this movie I couldn't imagine all the stress he was going through and all the stress his loved ones were going threw seeing someone you love go threw pain like that is extremely difficult to watch and it scary to know that they can be taken away from you. Accoording to 
  • 97,700 Canadian men will be diagnosed with cancer and 40,000 men will die from cancer.
  • 93,600 Canadian women will be diagnosed with cancer and 36,600 women will die from cancer.
  • On average, 524 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer every day.
  • On average, 210 Canadians will die from cancer every day.




    Nice guy


    This week I decided to write about a movie called Bernie, this movie is about a funeral director in Texas who became good friends with a old widow. After being friends for a good period of time she became possessive of him and always wanted him around. She fired all her help so he had to do everything for her. I thought it was a pretty good movie, It explained the story in a easy way so that it would be easy to follow. Throughout the movie they showed people in the town commenting on him and how they knew him and what kind of person he was. In the movie everyone thought he was a nice generous man who always wanted to help others and he was so I think it was hard for everyone to believe the crime he committed. In real life during his adolescents Tiede was the victim of sexual abuse which a psychiatrist concluded caused a "dissociative episode" which lead to the shooting of Nugent. Acording to texas monthly Bernie will live in Richard Linklater's garage apartment. Bernie Tiede being led into the Panola County court house by law enforcement officials in Carthage, Texas, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Meaning he was released may 6 2014 after 15 years.  Washington post said  "This is a moderately crazy story involving a mortician getting convicted of murder, spending 15 years behind bars, having his story told in a movie starring Jack Black and, ultimately, being released to move in with the acclaimed director of said movie" Being a mortician was his original job and if you don't know what it is a mortician is the person who prepares dead bodies for funeral or cremations. I thought this movie was very interesting you don't really see a lot of movies with that kind of story line. You never know what people can be capable of, no one expected Bernie to ever kill someone because he was so nice but he did, so you can never under estimate someone because they're capable of the same things as everyone else.