
Monday, January 25, 2016

127 Hours

Aron ralston
Aron Ralston survived 6 days with his arm wedged beneath a rock. He was born October 27, 1975 in Marion, Ohio. When he was 11 years old his family moved to Colorado and that's when he started climbing mountains. He went to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh,  finishing with degrees in mechanical engineering and French, with a minor in piano. On April 26, 2003, Aron Ralston  decided to go hiking through Blue John Canyon, in eastern Wayne County, Utah. He didn't tell anyone where he was going. When he was going through a tight spot an 800 pound boulder fell down and smooched his arm between the canyon wall and the boulder. With a shortage of  resources, he had to rely on determination and self-control. James Franco plays the role of Aron Ralston in the movie 127 hours. Being stuck all by yourself with nowhere to go gives you a lot of time to think and that's exactly what he did it. There's a lot of scenes where he looks back on his past and scenes where he hallucinates. Even thought this movie would be considered, not necessarily sad but emotional, they managed to put a tiny bit of humor in the beginning of the film. I recommend you watch this movie if you enjoy watching survival type film, but I do not recommend it if you are squeamish, there are scenes with a lot of blood. You have to be determined for everything and life not just when you're put in a dangerous situation but also in school and life, if you don't work hard you wont get what you want. It takes a lot of courage to do what he did, could you imagine how he felt when he realized the only way he would survive is to cut off his own arm and the pain he suffered. But you do what you have to survive. Did you know if an animal's leg or arm gets stuck in a trap their first instinct is to start chewing their limb off. But good thing for Aron he had a multi task tool. Make sure you always tell people where you are going so that if you ever get stuck someone will know where to find you sadly Aron did not do so and he will have to live with that decision forever.



  1. I must say, for a movie that spends 90% of the time in a crevasse with a mans arm stuck in between 2 boulders, it had a great story line. The way he strategically laid out his things and planned out his escape however it came down to him having to cut his arm off. I really love this movie and the lesson of life in this movie is that sometimes if you want to carry on with life, you need to let things go.

  2. I must say, for a movie that spends 90% of the time in a crevasse with a mans arm stuck in between 2 boulders, it had a great story line. The way he strategically laid out his things and planned out his escape however it came down to him having to cut his arm off. I really love this movie and the lesson of life in this movie is that sometimes if you want to carry on with life, you need to let things go.
